I first discovered what it meant to be a designer when I sat down with a LEGO set at age 5.  I sat there observing how each piece fit together, meticulously reading the instructions to assemble the set brick by brick.  As a young child I was obsessed with these little bricks. I designed and built all sorts of LEGO castles, and through my imagination experienced new worlds and epic battles.  Those days sparked the beginning of what would eventually become my career.  I now spend my days designing buildings and preparing plans for real life structures.  (Though even as an adult I still haven’t completely lost the obsession with LEGOs! My office may or may not be filled with LEGO models from the Architectural series) And after over a decade in the field, my passion for design work has continued to grow.  Two months ago, on April 27, I started a new adventure as an independent structural engineer and formed Structural Engineering Excellence.  I started this firm to provide my clients with a more personal experience and to have some flexibility in my time with my family.  Though my days may not be filled with designing castles and being the hero in epic battles, I still take great joy in providing the structural strength behind the buildings of today’s construction.  Whether you are an owner, property manager, architect, or contractor (or perhaps know someone who is), my hope is to serve the construction community as I offer my structural design services.